Not a minute! “Holland”, an MMA fighter, shows off his skills to catch locks. “The thief breaks the car”. I must say that it is a misfortune for a small thief. When pushed to a car accident in the neighborhood of Chuck Dorsey, a famous American MMA coach. Plus, in this event, celebrity trainers are not alone. But with his beloved student Kevin Holland, UFC middleweight fighter,
The celebrity trainer secretly saw a man trying to break into a nearby Dodge Charger to steal his belongings. The 28-year-old had followed before the collision, of course, the Holland took only a short time to manage to catch the thief comfortably.
Before later calling the police to come and take him to the custody. in which eyewitnesses took pictures And a clip of the moment an MMA fighter is bringing a badass thief to the police.
For Kevin Holland has just entered the ring against Kyle Daucaus in Las Vegas on Sunday October 3, when the game ended without a verdict. After the accident, the head hit the tip of the chin unconscious. causing the referee to decide to end the fight in the end While the record in the octagon cage of the person who won 21, lost 7 and has no judgment 1 time